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1. (Pennsylvania) (1) |
1. 480-03-3848A (1) |
1. 7 August 1961 (1) |
1. Alabama (89) 2. Alaska (13) 3. Alberta (1) 4. Allegheny Cemetery (1) 5. America (1) 6. Antioch Church (1) |
7. Appeltee (1) 8. Apponaug (1) 9. Argentina (1) 10. Arizona (36) 11. Arizonia (4) 12. Arkansas (339) |
13. Armstrong County Pennsylvania (1) 14. At Sea (1) 15. Australia (2) 16. Austria (2) |
1. Ballochantuy (1) 2. Belgium (4) 3. between 1914-1918 (1) 4. Birmingham Cemetery (1) |
5. Bohemia (1) 6. Bountiful City Cemetery (1) 7. British America (2) 8. British Columbia (1) |
9. British North America (1) 10. British West Indies (2) 11. Brooks Chapel Gordon Cemetery (1) 12. Brown Oklahoma (1) |
1. Californai (1) 2. California (347) 3. Canada (81) 4. Carolina's (1) 5. Cass County Missouri (1) 6. childhood (1) |
7. China (2) 8. China Campaign (1) 9. CIA (1) 10. Civil War (1) 11. Clinton-Garfield Cemetery (1) 12. Colorado (87) |
13. Connecticut (29) 14. Council Bluffs. Iowa (1) 15. Cuba (2) 16. Custer National Battlefield (1) |
1. D. C. (1) 2. D.C. (1) 3. Delaware (5) |
4. Denmark (2) 5. Deutchland (1) 6. Drumbo Church of Ireland Graveyard (1) |
7. Dunoon College (1) |
1. East Greasy Creek Cemetery (1) 2. East Hardwick Vermont (1) 3. Egypt (3) |
4. England (56) 5. Estonia (1) 6. Europe (1) |
7. Evergreen Cemetery (1) |
1. Finland (3) 2. Floriada (1) 3. Florida (113) |
4. Forest Lawn Cemetery (1) 5. Fort Collins (1) 6. France (7) |
7. Francestown (1) 8. French Morocco (1) |
1. Galloway (1) 2. Gemany (1) 3. Georgia (59) |
4. Germany (15) 5. Glen Valley Cemetery (1) 6. Greece (1) |
7. Greenoaks Memorial Park (1) 8. Guam (1) 9. Guilford Cemetery (1) |
1. Hartsdale (1) 2. Hawaii (7) 3. Hicks Cemetery (1) 4. Highland Memorial Gardens (1) |
5. Hillsdale Cemetery (1) 6. Holland (3) 7. Honduras (1) 8. Hopewell Church (1) |
9. Horry County South Carolina (1) 10. Hungary (1) |
1. Idaho (52) 2. Idlewilde Cemetery (1) 3. IIllinois (1) 4. Iliinois (1) 5. Illinois (219) |
6. in infancy (1) 7. in the Civil War (1) 8. India (1) 9. Indian Territory (3) 10. Indiana (383) |
11. infancy (1) 12. Iowa (282) 13. Iowa Book (1) 14. Iowa- Book 715 (1) 15. Ireland (94) |
1. Jamaica (2) |
2. Japan (5) |
3. Jasper County Iowa (1) |
1. Kansas (203) 2. Kentucky (185) 3. Kern County California (1) |
4. killed east of the Mississippi (1) 5. Kilraughts (1) 6. Kingstown (1) |
7. Korea (1) |
1. Limestone County (1) 2. Livermore (1) |
3. Locust Grove Cemetery (1) 4. Long Creek Cemetery (1) |
5. Louisiana (92) |
1. Maine (32) 2. Marshall County Iowa (1) 3. Maryland (30) 4. Massachusetts (137) 5. McCuiston Family Graveyard (1) 6. Mercer County (1) 7. Metro State (1) |
8. Mexico (6) 9. Michigan (223) 10. Miner (1) 11. Minnesota (88) 12. Misouri (1) 13. Mississippi (115) 14. Missouri (417) |
15. Misssouri (2) 16. Monroe Tennessee (1) 17. Montana (58) 18. Morocco (1) 19. Mt. Hope Cemetery (1) 20. Mulhearn Cemetery (1) |
1. Nebraska (103) 2. Nebraska (Colorado) (1) 3. Nebraska or Arkansas (1) 4. Netherlands (3) 5. Nevada (29) 6. New Amsterdam (1) 7. New Brunswick (2) 8. New Concord Cemetery (1) 9. New England Colony (1) |
10. New Guinea (1) 11. New Hampshire (115) 12. New Hampshire. (1) 13. New Hebrides (1) 14. New Jersey (60) 15. New Jerusalem Cemetery (1) 16. New Mexico (43) 17. New York (113) 18. New York Province (4) |
19. North Carolina (222) 20. North Dakota (4) 21. North Ireland (3) 22. North of Ireland (1) 23. Northern Ireland (5) 24. Northern Michigan (1) 25. Norway (2) 26. Nova Scotia (2) |
1. Ohio (294) 2. Ohio and Texas (1) 3. Ohio(?) (1) 4. Oklahoma (273) |
5. Oklahoma Territory (3) 6. Old Fountain Head Church Cemetery (1) 7. Old Salem (1) 8. Ontario (3) |
9. Orange County California (1) 10. Oregon (127) 11. overseas (1) |
1. Palestine (1) 2. Parish of Killean (1) 3. Pennslyvania (1) 4. Pennsylvania (534) 5. Pennsylvania or Maryland (1) 6. Pennsyvania (1) 7. Pensylvania (1) 8. Peru (1) 9. Philippines (1) 10. Phillipines (2) 11. Phillipines Island (1) 12. Pine Bluff (1) 13. Pittsburgh (1) 14. Pixley Cemetery (1) |
15. Poland (3) 16. Polk County Iowa (1) 17. Porter's Corners Cemetery (1) 18. Portugal (1) 19. possibly England (1) 20. possibly Maryland (1) 21. possibly New Jersey (1) 22. possibly New York (1) 23. possibly Rhode Island (1) 24. possibly Tennessee (1) 25. probably England (1) 26. probably Illinois (1) 27. probably Iowa (1) 28. probably Ireland (2) |
29. probably Isle of Skye (1) 30. probably Missouri (1) 31. probably Nebraska (1) 32. probably New York (1) 33. probably North Carolina (1) 34. probably Oregon (1) 35. probably Rhode Island (1) 36. probably South Carolina (1) 37. probably Switzerland (1) 38. probably Texas (1) 39. probably Utah (1) 40. Puerto Rico (2) |
1. Red Bluff (1) 2. Rhode Island (17) |
3. Richland Church (1) 4. Richmond (1) |
5. Riverview Cemetery (1) 6. Russia (1) |
1. Schweiz-Europe (1) 2. Scotland (96) 3. Singapore (1) 4. South Africa (2) 5. South America (1) 6. South Carolina (52) |
7. South Cemetery (1) 8. South Dakota (52) 9. South Korea (2) 10. South Pacific (1) 11. South Shore (1) 12. South Wales (3) |
13. Southern France (1) 14. Spain (1) 15. Sunset Memorial Gardens (1) 16. Sweden (1) 17. Switzerland (6) 18. Sylvania Hills Memorial Park (1) |
1. Teacher (1) 2. Tennesse (1) 3. Tennessee (340) 4. Territory of Oklahoma (1) |
5. Texas (801) 6. Texas A&M (1) 7. Thailand (1) 8. the United States (1) |
9. transit from Ireland. (1) 10. Turkey (2) |
1. U. S. A. (1) 2. United States (11) |
3. Upper Canada (1) 4. USA (2) |
5. Utah (44) |
1. Venezuela (1) 2. Vermont (21) 3. Viet Nam (1) |
4. Vietnam (2) 5. Virgina (1) 6. Virginia (103) |
7. Viriginia (1) |
1. Wales (3) 2. Warren County Iowa (1) 3. Washington (136) 4. Washington D. C. (1) |
5. West Germany (1) 6. West Virginia (26) 7. West Virginia (?) (1) 8. Western Virginia (1) |
9. Wisconsin (89) 10. World War I (1) 11. World War II (1) 12. Wyoming (14) |