Title | McQuiston, John, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (6 May 2001 20 May 2001) | |
Short Title | Descendants of George Washington McQuiston | |
Call Number | fgs 23vii-621 | |
Repository | Family Group Sheets | |
Source ID | S953 | |
Text | John is the grandson of George Washington McQuiston. | |
Linked to (14) | Sharon Jessie M. Kemp Chester McQuiston George Albert McQuiston George Everett McQuiston George Washington McQuiston Kenneth Michael McQuiston William Ernest McQuiston Lilly Perkins Minnie Elizabeth Simms Family: George Washington McQuiston / Jessie M. Kemp Family: John Henry McQuiston / Minnie Elizabeth Simms Family: William Ernest McQuiston / Lilly Perkins Family: George Albert McQuiston / Margie Ludiker |