Title | McCuiston, BJ, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (New Concord, Kentucky: 23 July 2000) | |
Short Title | New Concord Cemetery | |
Call Number | vs #45-317 | |
Repository | Vital Signs | |
Source ID | S896 | |
Text | Indicates date of death is 12 Sep 1880 | |
Linked to (28) | Mazy Ida Rebecca Sarah Alyce Allbritten Wallace James Baucum William Wallace Baucum Vera May Burton Ruth Cooper Seth Cooper Walter Cooper Loy Byron Elkins Charles Dyer Fielder Annie Belle Hamlin Richard Adolphus Hamlin Walter Grogan Hamlin James Thomas Hendon Selma Price Lassiter Emma Jane McCuiston John James McCuiston John Thomas McCuiston Julia Ann McCuiston Leonard McCuiston Luther Britton McCuiston Margaret Ella McCuiston Robert Edward McCuiston William Alexander McCuiston William Walter McCuiston Reuben M. Rowlett Vincento Devivaldie Rowlett |