Title | "Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957," database, Ancestry.com Operations Inc, Ancestry.com (www.ancestry.com: accessed ), ; citing Arkansas Courts of Common Pleas and County Clerks. | |
Short Title | Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957 | |
Source ID | S3805 | |
Linked to (13) | Eutha Mae Helms Family: Milton Claybourne McCuistion / Irene Theresa Coughlin Family: Thomas Marion Bohannan / Mable Pearl McCuistion Family: Delbert L. Mathis / Zula Billingsley Family: Guy Billingsley / Faye Brummitt Family: Earl E. McCuistion / Eutha Mae Helms Family: Richard Thomas Andrews / Iva Grace McCuistion Family: Norman Currier / Mattie Mae Andrews Family: William Robert McCuistion / Myrtle Russell Family: Raymond Virtis Cordell / Laminda Dell McCuiston Family: John Alfred Billingsley / Josephine Lovenia McCuistion Family: Robert Joseph Williams / Lilly Gertrude Hastings Family: Jacob Jesse McChristian / Eva K. Renfrow |