Pvt. Robert H. McQuisten Drowns in Pacific Ocean Near Camp Ord.
Camp Ord, Calif., March 24.--Fate dealt a stiff blow to the 147th field artillery Sunday morning as Pvt. Robert Harold McQuisten, a member of Headquarters battery lost his life when he was swept from a rocky point by a sudden treacherous breaker into a boiling section of Pacific surf.
McQuisten, a radio and telegraph operator, was on an outing in Point Lobos reserve state park, about four miles from Carmel, Calif., with two other members of the regiment when the tragic incident occurred.
Rescue Attempts Fail
he had clambered down to an apparently safe ledge in search of a vantage point to snap a picture of the ocean when a huge wave struck without warning and tossed him helpless into a churning pocket of the surf. All rescue attempts proved futile.
McQuisten, who had enlisted in the national guard 28 June, 1940, attended the fourth army maneuvers at Fort Ripley, Minnesota, during August and was inducted with his organization at Sioux Falls on November 25. The soldier had been rated a specialist, sixth class, on January 3, 1941 for his ability as key operator.
Search Continues
The sea's victim had been participating in the regular training of his unit and in addition had been attending a special class in operating and radio theory four hours daily.
The ocean had not yielded the body but a four man daylight patrol was to be maintained until the search was finished. The Headquarters battery.
Young McQuisten was born in Sioux Falls, November 21, 1920, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. McQuisten, 1913 South Duluth Ave. He attended Mark Twain School and was graduated from Washington High School in 1938.
He had been employed at the Riggs Optical Company here for about six months and was a truck driver for the Guernsey Dairy previous to the time he left for Camp Ord.
Surviving are his parents; two brothers, Eugene, Sioux Falls, and Edwin, Rapid City, and three sisters, Mrs. Frank Clapper, Mrs. Marvin Olinger and Rub McQuisten all of Sioux Falls.
McQuisten's Body Found
Being brought to Sioux Falls from Camp Ord, California for Burial
Camp Ord, Calif., April 19.---The body of Pvt. Robert H. McQuisten, a member of Headquarters battery of the 147th field artillery, was recovered and identified Friday. McQuisten drowned off Point Lobos, about 22 miles from this camp, on March 23 while on a sightseeing party with members of his organization.
Under the direction of Capt. Walter J. Dean, commanding officer of McQuisten's battery, funeral ceremonies were held Friday afternoon at the chapel in the regimental area. Chaplain Henry T. Praed officiated at the final rites.
The body was recovered near the point at which McQuisten met his death. The body left for Sioux Falls this morning. Staff Sgt. Irvin Rue, a close relative of the drowning victim, has been designated as the official escort.