# |
Source ID |
Title, Author |
4451 |
S744 | Ray, Edith McCuistion, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (27 November 1999) |
4452 |
S1337 | Ray, Sherrill, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (20 January 2002) |
4453 |
S1938 | Raymond N. McCuistion, no. 463-12-8777, Social Security Death Benefits Index of the U.S. Social Security Administration |
4454 |
S2048 | Raymond Steinfield, 1930 U.S. Census - Population Schedule, Franklin Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Enumeration District 4-52, Supervisor's District 7, Sheet 12B, Dwelling 255, Family 288; National Archives. |
4455 |
S3767 | Reading Room, maintains digital works, "Find War Dead/Casualty Details," database, Commonwealth of War Graves Commission (http://www.cwgc.org/ : accessed ), . |
4456 |
S2506 | Record of Marriage Licenses: 408, Clerk's Office, Henry County, Tennessee |
4457 |
S883 | Record Times, Geo. McCuistion dies in accident (Altoona, Kansas, Record Times: 19 May 1966) |
4458 |
S4667 | Records of District Courts of the United States, "Tennessee, U.S. Naturalization Records, 1888-1992," database, Ancestry, Ancestry (www.ancestry.com: accessed ), ; citing Nationa Archives and Records Adminstration. |
4459 |
S3730 | Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, "U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946," database, Ancestry.com Operations Inc, Ancestry (www.ancestry.com : accessed ). |
4460 |
S950 | Reed, Michelle, Moody Descendants - Reed Gedcom (22 April 2001) |
4461 |
S783 | Reed, Walter, Article - History of Sacramento County (Los Angeles, CA: Historic Record Company, 1923) |
4462 |
S653 | Reedy, Janet Ann McCuistion, Genealogy Research Worksheet No. 5iv-336 (Lafayette, Louisiana: 30 April 1999) |
4463 |
S5368 | Reference Numbers: 19P/8, Parish Registers: , Chursh of England, Aston Le Walls Parish, Northamptonshire County, England. |
4464 |
S80 | Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers (1 July 1965) |
4465 |
S78 | Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of USNR. NP15009 (1 June 1963-1965) |
4466 |
S77 | Register of Commissioned/Warrant Officers of USNR (1 July 1965) |
4467 |
S2527 | Register of Deeds Marriage License Index List: 219, Clerk's Office, County Courthouse, Guilford County, North Carolina |
4468 |
S1131 | Register of Deeds, Index to Wills, Book H-R, 1793-1968 (Greensboro, North Caroline: Register of Deeds) |
4469 |
S1130 | Register of Deeds, Online Source (Guilford County, NC: Register of Deeds, 11 July 2002) |
4470 |
S1299 | Register of Deeds, Register of Deeds Index Data (Guilford County, NC: Register of Deeds, 14 July 2002) |
4471 |
S3408 | Registration of Marriages: ; Archives of Ontario, Ontario, Canada. |
4472 |
S511 | Reid, Bob, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (6 December 1997) |
4473 |
S206 | Reid, Robert, "The Gilkeys" written by George L. Gilkey (9 December 1997) |
4474 |
S205 | Reid, Robert, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (9 December 1997) |
4475 |
S1405 | Reporter News Online, Obituary (29 December 1999) |
4476 |
S1923 | Reuben Dawkins, 1900 U.S. Census - Schedule No. 1 - Population, Jasper County, Mississippi, Enumeration District 48, Supervisor District 6, Sheet 9, Dwelling 146, Family 146; National Archives. |
4477 |
S1924 | Reuben Dawkins, 1910 U.S. Census - Population, Jasper County, Mississippi, Enumeration District 17, Supervisor's District 5, Sheet 11A, Dwelling 145, Family 145; National Archives. |
4478 |
S1925 | Reuben Dawkins, 1920 U.S. Census - Population, Jasper County, Mississippi, Enumeration District 17, Supervisors District 5, Sheet 6A, Dwelling 95, Family 96; National Archives. |
4479 |
S1926 | Reuben Dawkins, 1930 U.S. Census - Population Schedule, Royal Oak, Oakland County, Michigan, Enumeration District 63-104, Supervisor's District 10, Sheet 33A, Dwelling 737, Family 800; National Archives. |
4480 |
S5269 | Rev. S. M. Rankin, History of Buffalo Presbyterian Church and Her People (Greensboro, North Carolina: Jos. J. Stone and Co., n.d.). |
4481 |
S658 | Rich, Wendy, e-mail to Gloria D. McCuistion (9 May 1999) |
4482 |
S2382 | Richard C. "Dick" McQuestion, 84, of Aberdeen, Ashbury Park Press online [http://www.app.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080712/OBITUARIES/807120315/1075/OBITUARIES], accessed 12 July 2008 |
4483 |
S1731 | Richard Ezell, "McCuistion Family Tree," e-mail message from [rdezell@earthlink.net] () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 22 December 2004 |
4484 |
S2140 | Richard J. McQuiston, 1930 U.S. Census - Population Schedule, Hickory Township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, Enumeration District 43-33, Supervisor's District 2, Sheet 14, Dwelling 256, Family 275; National Archives. |
4485 |
S4054 | Richard McCuistian, "," e-mail message from rwm19@mail.com (), to , . |
4486 |
S982 | Richards, Rhonda, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (8 August 2001) |
4487 |
S1350 | Richardson, Michele, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (12 November 2001) |
4488 |
S1307 | Riggs, Debbie, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (10 May 2003) |
4489 |
S974 | Riggs, Debbie, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (27 July 2001) |
4490 |
S359 | Riggs, Deborah, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (26 January 1998) |
4491 |
S114 | rittelrf@netins.net, McQuiston Search (15 July 1997) |
4492 |
S3743 | RM 33992, in Christmas card, 1 December 2015, privately held by McCuistion, Gloria, 1263 Lake Drive, Newport News, VA, 2016. provides birth of child. |
4493 |
S2989 | RM-574 Ernest McCuistion Family (typed word document, 30 July 2011), electronic copy privately held by Sr. Kathleen McCuistion, 480 S. Batavia St., Orange, California 92868 (3rd cousin). detailed family tree. |
4494 |
S3586 | RM-8561 (fact sheets, 13 October 2009), photocopy privately held by Larry McQuistion, 20082 SD Hwy 1806, Ft. Pierre, South Dakota, 2009 (distant cousin). contains known and new information for decendants. |
4495 |
S2795 | Roane County, Tennessee, , ; Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee. |
4496 |
S3386 | Roane County, Tennessee, , ; Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville. |
4497 |
S3638 | Rob McEwing, "," e-mail message from rob.mcewing@googlemail.com (), to , . |
4498 |
S1700 | Robbert McQuiston, 1880 U.S. Federal Census, Callas, Macon County, Missouri, Enumeration District 136, Supervisor District 5, Dwelling 140, Family 147; National Archives. |
4499 |
S2081 | Robert L. McCuistion, 1920 U.S. Census - Population, Concord Township, Ottawa County, Kansas, Enumeration District 87, Supervisor's District 105, Sheet 2B, Dwelling 50, Family 51; National Archives. |
4500 |
S1980 | Robert M. McCuistion, 1870 U.S. Census - Schedule No. 1, Valencia County, New Mexico Territory, Pg No. 10, Dwelling 88, Family 88; National Archives. |