# |
Source ID |
Title, Author |
4301 |
S2030 | Newton McCuistion, 1900 U.S. Census, Schedule No. 1 - Population, Winona Township, Carroll County, Arkansas, Enumeration District 45, Supervisor's District 3, Sheet 1, Dwelling 11, Family 12; National Archives. |
4302 |
S4900 | Nexstar Media Inc., "MyValley Tributes," database, Nexstar Media Inc, WKBN 27 (https://www.wkbn.com/my-valley-tributes/higgins-reardon-funeral-homes/: accessed ), ; citing MyValleyTributes Staff. |
4303 |
S4602 | Nexstar Media Inc., "MyValleyTributes," database, WKBN, My Valley Tributes (www.wkbn.com/my-valley-tributes/kelley-cummins-funeral-home/joyce-a-mcquiston-youngstown-ohio/: accessed ), ; citing MyValleyTributes Staff. |
4304 |
S5423 | Nicholson Funeral Home, "Obituaries," data return, Nicholson Funeral Home, Nicholson Funeral Home (https://www.nicholsonfunerals.com/: accessed ), . |
4305 |
S3078 | Niday Funeral Home, "Obituaries," data return, Niday Funeral Home, Niday Funeral Home (www.nidayfunerals.com: accessed ), . |
4306 |
S2200 | Noah McCruistian, 1860 United States Census - Schedule 1, Little Lake Township, Mendocino County, California, Dwelling 388, Family 387; National Archives. |
4307 |
S2195 | Noah McCuistion, 1900 U.S. Census, Schedule No. 1 - Population, Westminister Township, Orange County, California, Enumeration District 142, Supervisor's District 6, Sheet 13, Dwelling 289, Family 289; National Archives. |
4308 |
S2196 | Noah McCuistion, 1900 U.S. Census, Schedule No. 1 - Population, Westminister Township, Orange County, California, Enumeration District 142, Supervisor's District 6, Sheet 31, Dwelling 708, Family 710; National Archives. |
4309 |
S2198 | Noah McCuistion, 1910 U.S. Census - Population, Roberts County, Texas, Enumeration District 207, Supervisor's District 13, Sheet 2, Dwelling 31, Family 31; National Archives. |
4310 |
S2197 | Noah McCuistion, 1910 U.S. Census - Population, Westminister Township, Orange County, California, Enumeration District 61, Supervisor's District 8, Sheet 13, Dwelling 325, Family 328; National Archives. |
4311 |
S1944 | Nolan B. McCuistion, 1930 U.S. Census, Population Schedule, Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, Enumeration District 123-34, Supervisor's District 27, Sheet 9A, Dwelling 195, Family 195; National Archives. |
4312 |
S3713 | Norma Dale Mullins Lintin, "," e-mail message from dddlinton@yahoo.com (), to , . |
4313 |
S929 | North Carolina Division of Archives and History, An Index to Marriage Bonds filed in North Carolina. (Raleigh, North Carolina: 1977) |
4314 |
S3140 | North Carolina State Archives, , ; Wake County, North Carolina, Raleigh. |
4315 |
S2594 | North Carolina, Register of Deeds, North Carolina Birth Indexes;North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina. |
4316 |
S1274 | Northwest Arkansas Times, Northwest Arkansas Times (20 September 2002) |
4317 |
S1275 | Northwest Arkansas Times, Obituaries & Death Notices (24 Sep 2002) |
4318 |
S1276 | Northwest Arkansas Times, Obituaries & Death Notices (7 November 2002) |
4319 |
S1278 | Northwest Arkansas Times, Otto Christopher McCoy Obituary (8 February 2003) |
4320 |
S1277 | Northwest Arkansas Times, Reta Wohlford (5 January 2003) |
4321 |
S3818 | NoSleepForSheep, "Obituaries," data return, NoSleepForSheep, Higgins Funeral Home (http://www.higginsfh.com/: accessed ), . |
4322 |
S1308 | Nunes, Gaelynn, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (13 May 2003) |
4323 |
S1540 | O'Brien, Tim, .rtf to Gloria McCuistion (30 September 2003) |
4324 |
S967 | O'Brien, Tim, Descendants of McQuiston (22 July 2001) |
4325 |
S983 | O'Brien, Tim, GEDCOM (22 Jul 2001) |
4326 |
S1388 | O'Connor, Ley, Union County, Arkansas Marriages (USGenWeb.com, 24 Jun 2003) |
4327 |
S66 | O. L. Baskin and Company, History of Morrow County, Ohio 1880 (Chicago, Historical Publishers) |
4328 |
S2272 | O. P. McCuiston, death certificate no. No. 1010 (1861),, Sacramento, California |
4329 |
S1503 | Oak Ridger Online, Obituary (25 June 2003) |
4330 |
S401 | Oakland County Genealogical Society, Information obtained from the society's publication, St. Mary's and old Royal Oak Cemetery. (Birmingham, Michigan: 13 March 1998) |
4331 |
S1319 | Obit: Margaret (McAlister) McQuistan (25 December 2001) |
4332 |
S3512 | Obitsforlife.com, "Obituaries," data return, ObitSafe.com, Obitsforlife.com (www.obitsforlife.com: accessed ), . |
4333 |
S3929 | ObitTree, "Obituaries," data return, National Obituary Registry, ObitTree (https://www.obittree.com: accessed ), . |
4334 |
S589 | Obituaries (10 October 1998) |
4335 |
S1125 | Obituaries of Robert and Charles Rosseter (24 June 2002) |
4336 |
S826 | Obituary from Jackson Sun Newspaper (Jackson, Tennessee: Jackson Sun, 16 April 2000) |
4337 |
S824 | Obituary from Paris, Tennessee newspaper (24 January 2000) |
4338 |
S825 | Obituary from Paris, Tennessee newspaper (Paris, Tennessee: 30 March 2000) |
4339 |
S203 | Obituary from Pittsburgh Post Gazette (Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: 16 December 1953) |
4340 |
S202 | Obituary in Pittsburgh Press (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Press, 1953) |
4341 |
S1499 | Obituary/Memorial Service Program |
4342 |
S1781 | Obituary: Earl Porter McCuiston; from personal knowledge of Billie JoMcCuiston (), first cousin; provided myfamily.com on 14 Jun 2005 |
4343 |
S1523 | Odebolt Chronicle, The Odebolt History Pages - "As Time Goes By", Iowa Centennial 1877-1977 (Odebolt, Iowa: 1977) |
4344 |
S1543 | Office of Archives and Record Management, will of Thomas C. McCuistion (Washington County, Arkansas: 9 August 2003) |
4345 |
S196 | Office of the City Clerk, Royal Oak, Michigan, Birth Certificate of Gloria Diane McCuistion (Royal Oak, Michigan: Registrar Gladys Holmes, 21 June 1972) |
4346 |
S1517 | Office of the Secretary of State, World War I Military Service Record (Missouri: Office of the Secretary of State, 11 August 2003) |
4347 |
S564 | Ogburn, James, Family tree for the Ogburn Family, retrieved from the Internet (21 November 1998) |
4348 |
S2933 | Ohio Department of Health, "Ohio Marriage Index, 1970, 1972-2007," database, Ancestry.com (www.ancestry.com : accessed ); Office of Vital Statistics. |
4349 |
S2251 | Oliphant Family Research Committee, compiler, Descendants of Wm Oliphant of North Carolina (Wilmette, Illinois: Oliphant Family History,) |
4350 |
S3119 | Olsen Funeral Home and Cremation Service, "Obituaries," data return, Olsen Funeral Home and Cremation Service, Olsen Funeral Home and Cremation Service (http://hosting-18839.tributes.com/: accessed ), . |