# |
Source ID |
Title, Author |
2601 |
S684 | California State Board of Health, Copy of Certificate of Death (San Luis Obispo County, California: 4 June 1921) |
2602 |
S2922 | California State Library, "Pioneer Index File (1906-1934)," database, Ancestry.com, Pioneer Index File (www.ancestry.com: accessed ), . |
2603 |
S3126 | Callie Jordan, "," e-mail message from callieemory@yahoo.com (), to , . |
2604 |
S3853 | Calloway County Genealogical Society, compiler, Bible Records of Calloway County and Adjoining Counties, 1st ed. (N.p.: n.p., 1971), ; digital images, Ex Libris, (https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE4835413 : accessed . |
2605 |
S2822 | Calloway County, Kentucky, , ; Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort. |
2606 |
S3659 | Calloway County, Kentucky, , ; Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort. |
2607 |
S2735 | Calloway County, Kentucky, , ; Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky. |
2608 |
S4060 | Cameron McCuistion, "," e-mail message from cameron.mccuistion@live.com (), to , . |
2609 |
S1181 | Cameron, Angela, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (21 November 2002) |
2610 |
S1060 | Campise, Frank, RootsWeb's World Connect Project: Campise family (25 August 2001) |
2611 |
S2350 | Capt. Robert McKinney weds Frances McCuistion article, Monitor-Index and Democrate, Moberly, Missouri, May 22, 1943, page 3, cloumn 2 |
2612 |
S5443 | Carla Jean McCuistion, "," e-mail message from Hobietee@yahoo.com (), to , . |
2613 |
S2363 | Carleen M. Daggett, Noah McCuistion, Pioneer Texas Cattleman (Waco, Texas: Texian Press, 1975) |
2614 |
S466 | Carleton-Moult, Eleanor, Brief profile of the immediate ancestors of William James Dafoe (Tweed, Ontario, Canada: 24 June 1998) |
2615 |
S775 | Carline, Bob, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (9 Feb 2000) |
2616 |
S2314 | Carlos McCuistion, Jr. obituary, Chattanooga Times Free Press, Dayton, Tennessee, 27 July 2008, |
2617 |
S4011 | Carlson-Trotter Dawn, "," e-mail message from bludawn27@gmail.com (), to , . |
2618 |
S3083 | Carlton E. McCuiston Jr., "," e-mail message from cardon9@cox.net (, Chesapeake, VA), to , . |
2619 |
S957 | Carroll County Historical and Genealogical Society, excerpt from Arkansas GenWeb (18 May 2001) |
2620 |
S2092 | Carroll Lee "Jim" Ingram tombstone, King-Smith Cemetery, Gatesville, Coryell County, Texas (from Gatesville, Coryell County, Texas, take Hwy 36 South to FM 1829. Turn left. Go 2/10 mile, the cemetery is on the right.); surveyed by Karen Taylor in January 2004. |
2621 |
S1280 | Carson, Alfred, Margaret J. "Mollie" (Carson) Barrow and Alfred Roe Carson (26 Feb 2003) |
2622 |
S5294 | Carter Funeral Home, "Obituaries," data return, Carter Funeral Home, Obituaries (https://www.carterfuneral.net: accessed ), . |
2623 |
S1076 | Carter, Lani, Ancestry World Tree Project: Our Families (17 January 2002) |
2624 |
S1817 | Celsus P. McCuistion, 1930 U.S. Census - Population Schedule, Los Angeles City, Los Angeles County, California, Enumeration District 19-498, Supervisor's District 17, Dwelling 442, Family 448; National Archives. |
2625 |
S935 | Cemetery Records of Ray County, Missouri Vol. I (Ancestry) |
2626 |
S85 | Census 1870 (Wood County, Texas: 1870) |
2627 |
S1489 | Census records |
2628 |
S113 | Certificate of Death |
2629 |
S5528 | CFS & TA, "Obituary," data return, Burroughs Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Burroughs Funeral Home & Cremation Services (http://www.burroughsfh.com/: accessed ), . |
2630 |
S847 | Chamberlain, Laurene June McQuiston, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (25 May 2000) |
2631 |
S5135 | Chapman Bros, complier, Portrait And Biographical Record of Clay, Ray,Carrol, Chariton and Linn Counties, Missouri (Chicago: Chapman Bros, 1893), ; digital, Ancestry.com Operations Inc., Ancestry.com (www.ancestry.com : accessed . |
2632 |
S1001 | Chapman Brothers, Missouri Biographical Sketches - Portrait and Biographical Record, Clay, Ray, Carroll, Chariton and Linn Counties, Missouri (Missouri: Chapman Brothers, 1893) |
2633 |
S1583 | Chapman, Karen, "Celsus Parnell McCuistion," e-mail message from () to McCuistion, Gloria, 25 January 2004 |
2634 |
S2627 | Charlene Yulich to Gloria McCuistion, December 2009, Kansas City, KS, Newport News, Virginia. |
2635 |
S2450 | Charles A. Antry, 1880 U.S. Federal Census, Morrow Township, Macon County, Missouri, Enumeration District 135, Supervisor District 5, Dwelling 52, Family 54; National Archives. |
2636 |
S1581 | Charles G. Chase Household, 1880 U.S. Census Household Record, Brookline, Norfolk County, Massachusetts,; Film Number T9-0548, pg 366D. |
2637 |
S2653 | Charles Grills, 1920 U.S. Census - Population, St. Paul City, Ramsey County, Minnesota, Enumeration District 74, Supervisor's District 159, Sheet 4, Dwelling 82, Family 82; National Archives. |
2638 |
S2654 | Charles J. Grills, 1930 U.S. Federal Census - Population, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, Enumeration District 16-1492, Supervisor's District 3, Sheet 40B, Dwelling 730, Family 753; National Archives. |
2639 |
S1895 | Charles McQuiston, 1900 U.S. Census, Schedule No. 1 - Population, West Greenwood Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, Enumeration District 19, Supversor's District 15, Sheet 4, Dwelling 124, Family 124; National Archives. |
2640 |
S1899 | Charles Porter, 1860 U.S. Census, Schedule 1, Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, Dwelling 581, Family 569; National Archives. |
2641 |
S1904 | Charles Porter, 1880 U.S. Census, Schedule 1, Greenwood Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, Enumeration District 100, Supervisor's District 10, Dwelling 174, Family 179; National Archives. |
2642 |
S2068 | Charles R. Reed, "Nelson/McCuistion Information," e-mail message from () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 6 February 2003 |
2643 |
S1903 | Charles W. Porter, 1870 U.S. Census, Schedule 1, Greenwood, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, Dwelling 303, Family 303; National Archives. |
2644 |
S2352 | Charleston Girl Bride of Overall article, The Sikeston (MO.) Herald, Sikeston, Missouri, September 4, 1941, page 5, column 3 |
2645 |
S2306 | Charlie F. McCuiston tombstone, Rehobeth United Methodist Church and Cemetery, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carlolina (4475 Rehobeth Church Rd.); transcribed by Gloria D. McCuistion on 19 May 2008 |
2646 |
S1251 | Charlotte Observer, Charles Terry McCuiston Obituary (Charlotte, North Carolina, Charlotte Observer, 8 June 2002) |
2647 |
S1642 | Cheryl Pappalardo, "McQuiston Decendants," e-mail message from to Gloria McCuistion, 10 June 2004 |
2648 |
S1648 | Cheryl Pappalardo, "McQuiston Descendants," e-mail message from [cpappalardo@comcast.net] () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 21 June 2004 |
2649 |
S3716 | Cheryl Degner, "," e-mail message from csdegner@ yahoo.com (), to , . |
2650 |
S1726 | Cheyenne Spirit McCuistion obituary, The Morning Sun, Lamar, Missouri, 23 December 2004, |