# |
Source ID |
Title, Author |
2451 |
S2366 | Betty Matthews, "Notice for Steve McCuistion," e-mail message from () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 13 March 2008 |
2452 |
S2069 | Beula C. Williams obituary, Paris Post-Intelligencer, Paris, Tennessee, 13 November 2001, |
2453 |
S2375 | Bev Atkinson, "Della H. McQuiston," e-mail message from () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 9 May 2008 |
2454 |
S1715 | Bev Atkinson, "Hazel Irine McQuiston," e-mail message from [lesnbev@kans.com] () to Gloria McCuistion, 14 November 2004 |
2455 |
S3610 | Beverly Linsky, "," e-mail message from bevlinsky@gmail.com (), to , . |
2456 |
S1322 | Biggerstaff, Inez Boswell, Marriage Bonds: Book One 1838-1855 |
2457 |
S3643 | Bilbrey Funeral Home Inc., "Obituaries," data return, OurChurch.com, Bilbrey Funeral Home (http://www.bilbreyfh.com: accessed ), . |
2458 |
S2620 | Bill McQuesten, , ; supplied by McQuesten, . |
2459 |
S1659 | Billie Joe McCuiston, "Military Service," e-mail message from [billiejo@garlic.com] () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 6 August 2004 |
2460 |
S2899 | Billie Jo McCuiston, "," e-mail message from billiejo@garlic.com (PO Box 2193, Gilroy, CA 95021-2193), to , . |
2461 |
S3550 | Billie Joe McCuiston, "," e-mail message from billiejo@garlic.com (PO Box 2193, Gilroy, CA 95021-2193), to , . |
2462 |
S2413 | Billie Joe McCuiston, "Death," e-mail message from to Gloria D. McCuistion, 5 September 2008 |
2463 |
S1843 | Billie Joe McQuiston, "McQuiston Westmoreland Co. PA McQuiston Families," e-mail message from () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 13 January 2006 |
2464 |
S413 | Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas (Ancestry.com: 3 June 1998) |
2465 |
S542 | Birchfield, Steven a., Ballard County, Kentucky Census of 1870 (26 September 1998) |
2466 |
S1412 | Birth certificate |
2467 |
S1090 | Birth Certificate Search - Stanislaus County (Stanislaus County, California: 26 April 2002) |
2468 |
S1827 | Birth Dates; from personal knowledge of Karen Sue McCuistion (618 N. Hwy W., Iantha, Missouri, 64769), personal records; provided 23 July 2005 at Clan Uisdean Reunion in Murray, Calloway County, Kentucky |
2469 |
S1749 | BJ McCuiston, "Keys McCuiston," e-mail message from [billiejo@garlic.com] () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 3 May 2005 |
2470 |
S1687 | BJ McCuiston, "Rebecca McQuistion," e-mail message from [billiejo@garlic.com] () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 15 August 2004 |
2471 |
S1716 | BJ McCuiston, "Jack Lamar McCuiston Obituary," e-mail message from [billiejo@garlic.com] () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 21 September 2004 |
2472 |
S1132 | Blair, David H., Will of David H. Blair (5 May 1937) |
2473 |
S3228 | Bliley's, "Obituary," database, Bliley's Funeral Home, Louise McCuistion Thompson Obituary (http://www.blileyfuneralhomes.com/: accessed ), . |
2474 |
S5122 | BLOX Content Management System, "Obituaries," database, Rayburn Broadcasting Company, KJAS.com (https://www.kjas.com/: accessed ), . |
2475 |
S2179 | Bob Scoda, "Maggie Gray McCuiston," e-mail message from to Gloria D. McCuistion, 4 August 2006 |
2476 |
S691 | Bonner, Max, letter to Gloria McCuistion (Murray, Kentucky: 19 July 1999) |
2477 |
S1609 | Bonnie Stark obituary, The Courier News, Russellville, Arkansas, 13 January 2004, |
2478 |
S1374 | Book Look, copy from manuscript (16 June 2003) |
2479 |
S3979 | Bosque County History Book Committee, compiler, Bosque County: Land and People: A Histrory of Bosque County, Texas (Dallas, Texas: Curtis Media Corporation, 1985), ; digital images, Denton Public Library, The Portal to Texas History (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth91038/ : accessed . |
2480 |
S913 | Bosque County, Texas, copy of marriage license (1 October 1883) |
2481 |
S912 | Bosque County, Texas, copy of marriage license (14 June 1879) |
2482 |
S914 | Bosque County, Texas, copy of marriage license (7 March 1889) |
2483 |
S915 | Bosque County, Texas, copy of marriage license (9 May 1892) |
2484 |
S2077 | Bothen McCuiston, no. 487-09-5522, Social Security Death Benefits Index of the U.S. Social Security Administration |
2485 |
S460 | Bowley, Joyce, First Seven Generations of Peltons found on the internet through McQuiston search (Lake Stevens, Washington: 22 June 1998) |
2486 |
S851 | Bradshaw, Kenneth, Descendents of Robert De Bradshaw 1250 (9 August 1999) |
2487 |
S854 | Bradshaw, Kenneth, gedcom (16 June 2000) |
2488 |
S1165 | Braida, Ernie, Funeral Home Records (Colfax, Iowa: Colfax Funeral Home, 2002) |
2489 |
S3546 | Brandi Hurst, "," e-mail message from foxihurst@yahoo.com (), to , . |
2490 |
S1514 | Brasfield, Michael D., Brasfield - Brassfield Genealogies (4 August 2003) |
2491 |
S797 | Bray, Robin, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (17 January 2000) |
2492 |
S3635 | Brenda Henrickson Bubonic, "," e-mail message from sempre_bella@yahoo.com (), to , . |
2493 |
S1913 | Brendan McCuistion obituary, Washington Post, Washington, D.C., 18 January 2005, |
2494 |
S4840 | Brenham Memorial Chapel, "Obituaries," database, Brenham Memorial Chapel, Obituaries (https://brenhammemorialchapel.com: accessed ), ; citing Sandra McCuistion Elder death 12 January 2019. |
2495 |
S5112 | Breshears Funeral Services, "Obituaries," data return, Breshears Memorial Chapel, Breshears Memorial Chapel (www.breshearsmemorialchapels.com: accessed ), . |
2496 |
S3827 | Brevard Web Pro, "Family4.org," database, Clan Uisdean, USA, Clan Uisdean, USA (www.family4.org/clanuisdeanusa/: accessed ), . |
2497 |
S3070 | Brian Downey, Antietam On The Web, Antietam On The Web (http://antietam.aotw.org/officers.php?officer_id=2246 : accessed ), . |
2498 |
S1782 | Brian McQuiston, "Descendents of Matthew McQuiston," e-mail message from [btgk@comcast.net] () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 25 May 2005 |
2499 |
S1585 | Briggs, Kristin, "Schwerdfager," e-mail message from () to McCuistion, Gloria, 15 January 2004 |
2500 |
S1972 | Brittany Nicole McQuiston obituary, Meadville Tribune, Crawford, Pennsylvania, 24 November 1993, pg 9 |