# |
Source ID |
Title, Author |
2351 |
S2781 | Ann Robinson, "," e-mail message from annierob2@yahoo.com (), to , . |
2352 |
S2372 | Ann Robinson, "Hi - just fell upon your McCuistion website," e-mail message from () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 21 April 2008 |
2353 |
S3435 | Anna Connolly Irot, "," e-mail message from acirot@sbcglobal.net (), to , . |
2354 |
S2430 | Anna Peevey, 1910 United States Federal Census - Population, Marion Township, Drew County, Arkansas, Enumeration District 49, Supervisor's District 6, Sheet No. 9B, Dwelling 137, Family 137; National Archives. |
2355 |
S1266 | Annie Beatrice McQuiston Alias "Toni Jo Henry" (14 October 2002) |
2356 |
S1932 | Anthony McCuistion, 1870 U.S. Census, Schedule 1, Beat No. 3, Lamar County, Texas, Dwelling 555, Family 555; National Archives. |
2357 |
S2797 | Archives.com, "Death Records," database, Inflections.com, Archives.com (www.archives.com: accessed ), . |
2358 |
S2028 | Arkansas Marriages, 1851-1900, Ancestry.com online [http://www.ancestry.com/], accessed 11 August 2001 |
2359 |
S100 | Arlig, Betty MacQueston, Letter to George K. McCuistion (16 February 1969) |
2360 |
S930 | Arnold, Billy Carolyn Cordell, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (3 November 2000) |
2361 |
S870 | Arnold, Gary, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (23 June 2000) |
2362 |
S1885 | Arthur F. Huskinson, 1920 U.S. Census, Population, Knox County, Texas, Enumeration District No.163, Supervisor's District No. 18, Sheet No. 9, Dwelling 180, Family 198; National Archives. |
2363 |
S1884 | Arthur Huskinson, 1910 U.S. Census - Population, Knox County, Texas, Enumeration District No. 146, Supervisor's District No. 12, Sheet No. 1, Dwelling 25, Family 26; National Archives. |
2364 |
S4723 | ArticDesigns, "Obituaries," data return, Winters Funeral Home, Winters Funeral Home (http://www.articobits.com/: accessed ), . |
2365 |
S780 | article from Barton County History Book (Lamar, Missouri) |
2366 |
S422 | Article titled, "Whitehern" from Canadian Parks Movement: Hamilton Experience (4 March 1998) |
2367 |
S398 | Article written East Tennesse Historical Society Newsline (Knoxville, Tennessee: Henderson, Cherel ed., Winter 1995) |
2368 |
S5234 | Ashlee Latimer, "," e-mail message from aurie113@yahoo.com (), to , . |
2369 |
S421 | Atricle titled, "Kate McQuesten (1860-1918)", in the Heartland: Hidden Wealth (www.newsminer.com/heartland/hland30497/women.htm: 4 March 1998) |
2370 |
S336 | Auditor, Copy of Marriage Statistics (Clark County, Washington: 25 August 1945) |
2371 |
S258 | Auditor, Klickitat County, Washington, Copy of affidavit of marriage between Christ Albert Elmer and Grace McCusition (Klickitat County, Washington: 11 March 1911) |
2372 |
S4829 | Aumentum Technologies, "Recorder of Deeds - Online Public Records Portal," database, Recorder of Deeds, Jackson County, Missouri Recorder of Deeds (www.aumentumweb.jacksongov.org: accessed ), . |
2373 |
S3945 | Austin Funeral & Cremation Services, "Deceased," database, Austin Funeral & Cremation Services, Obituaries (http://www.austinfuneralservice.com/: accessed ), ; citing Austin Funeral & Cremation Services. |
2374 |
S2004 | Autumn Hassell, "Nannie McCuiston," e-mail message from () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 3 June 2006 |
2375 |
S663 | Awalt, Robert, Family Group Sheet (San Francisco, California: 20 November 1998) |
2376 |
S2683 | B.J. McCuiston, "," e-mail message from billiejo@garlic.com
billiejo@garlic.com (PO Box 2193
PO Box 2193
Gilroy, CA 95021-2193
PO Box 2193, Gilroy, CA 95021-2193), to , . |
2377 |
S2226 | B.J. McCuiston, "http://gmccuistion.com/john1855/b12680.htm#12680," e-mail message from () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 17 January 2007 |
2378 |
S2210 | B.J. McCuiston, "McCuiston, James and Sarah Ann Alfred," e-mail message from to Gloria D. McCuistion, 26 September 2006 |
2379 |
S2224 | B.J. McCuiston, "Re: address," e-mail message from to Gloria D. McCuistion, 6 January 2007 |
2380 |
S1363 | Bacot, Linda, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (28 May 2001) |
2381 |
S1344 | Badgerow, Kelley, Myfamily.com (26 December 2001) |
2382 |
S1345 | Badgerow, Michael, e-mail to Gloria McCuistion (26 December 2001) |
2383 |
S17 | Baker, J. W., A History of Robertson County, Texas (The Robertson County Historical Survey Committee) |
2384 |
S3835 | Ballard-Sunder Funeral Home, "Online Tributes," database, Ballard-Sunder Funeral Home, Obituaries (http://www.ballardsunderfuneral.com/mary-mcquiston/: accessed ), . |
2385 |
S3375 | Baptismal Record, Congregational Minutes: , Our Saviour's Lutheran, Chicago, Illinois. |
2386 |
S2674 | Barb McQuistion, "," e-mail message from larry1@goldenwest.net
larry1@goldenwest.net (20082 S. D. Hwy 1806
Ft Pierre, SD 57532
20082 S. D. Hwy 1806
Ft Pierre, SD 57532
20082 S. D. Hwy 1806
20082 S. D. Hwy 1806
20082 S. D. Hwy 1806, Ft Pierre, South Dakota 57532), to , . |
2387 |
S1745 | Barbara A.Young, "McCuistion Line," e-mail message from [syohchooch@sbcglobal.net] () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 14 March 2005 |
2388 |
S2861 | Barbara Ann Smith, "," e-mail message from helm81@gmail.com (), to , . |
2389 |
S3194 | Barbara Crawford, "," e-mail message from becrawford@sbcglobal.net (), to , . |
2390 |
S2905 | Barbara Goldsborough, "," e-mail message from helm81@gmail.com (), to , . |
2391 |
S2290 | Barbara McQuiston Riedel, "McQuiston Family Genealogy," e-mail message from to Gloria D. McCuistion, 28 January 2008 |
2392 |
S2376 | Barbara McQuiston, "McQuiston Family genealogy," e-mail message from () to Gloria D. McCuistion, 9 May 2008 |
2393 |
S2525 | Barber McCuiston Collection (AFC/2001/001/31528), Veterans History Project, American Folklife Center, [http://lcweb2.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/bib/31528], accessed 6 oct 08Library of Congress |
2394 |
S2526 | Barber McCuiston Collection: Veteran's History Project, Library of Congress online [http://lcweb2.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/bib/31528], accessed 6 October 2008 |
2395 |
S925 | Barley, Mary, Phone call (Rochester Hills, Michigan: 26 December 2000) |
2396 |
S1557 | Barnes, Goldie Beatrice McChristian tombstone, Farmington Cemetery, Farmington, Washington County, Arkansas (); Cline, Robert and Rosa: 10 August 2003 |
2397 |
S5539 | Barnett-Strother Funerla Home, "Obituaries," data return, Barnett Strother Funeral Home, Barnett Strother Funeral Home (heeps://www.barnettstrother.com/: accessed ), . |
2398 |
S1911 | Barren-Calloway County KyArchives Obituaries, USGenWeb online [http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ky/barren/obits/m/mccuisto3069gob.txt], accessed 16 January 2006 |
2399 |
S827 | Barrett, Archie Britt, b.: 1849 (15 August 1999) |
2400 |
S1353 | Bates County, Missouri Cemetery Records, Cemetery Records of Bates County, Missouri |